Our expertise

Projector Design Technician

Job Description:

Under the direction of the Development Center Manager, you will design and define products, based on design guides, standards and specifications, in compliance with Quality, Cost and Deadline objectives.

This involves, among other things:

– 3D definition and integration of the product in the customer’s digital environment
– Accurate and precise drawing and dimensioning
– Follow-up of technical evolutions with the correspondents (customer design office)
– Participation in internal, customer and supplier technical meetings
– Animation of design reviews with the Quality and Industrialization departments

Profile Description:

Technical training, level Bac+2 (plastics, mechanics) with significant experience in industrial design of plastic components, in an automotive environment.
You have a good sense of organization, you like to work in a multidisciplinary team, you have a spirit of analysis and synthesis.

Rigor, autonomy, creative ability in simplicity, good 3D vision, you master the CATIA V5 software.

You speak English in a professional context. You are mobile on the whole national territory.

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